Lander Regional Office Front Sign

Lander Region

The Lander Region of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department covers a stretch of central Wyoming from peaks of the Wind River Mountains east to Boysen Reservoir and from Dubois to Rawlins with points in between.  We house employees who manage fisheries, wildlife, and habitat within the Region as well as a few statewide management sections like nongame and large carnivore.


Latest News

WGFD Regional News
LANDER- Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Lander Region will hold a series of public meetings to present and discuss the proposed 2025 hunting seasons. Attending a public meeting is one way to learn about local wildlife populations, ask questions and visit with local Game and Fish biologists and wardens.  You…
mule deer buck crossing highway

Wind River to Grand Tetons wildlife crossing project

See the wildlife crossing project planned for the Dubois area.


Pheasant Releases in the Region

See up-to-date information about pheasant releases in the Lander Region.

bighorn sheep at Whiskey Mountain

Whiskey Mountain Bighorn Sheep

Learn about the herd and the department's management plan.

Lander office map
Regional Office:
Lander Regional Office
260 Buena Vista
Lander, WY 82520
Hours of Operation