
Fishes of Wyoming
Learn more about Wyoming fish species in a PDF version of the book "Fishes of Wyoming."
Fish of Wyoming
Common Name | Game/NonGame | Scientific Name |
Arctic grayling | Game | Thymallus arcticus |
Bigmouth shiner | Nongame | Ericymba dorsalis |
Black bullhead | Game | Ameiurus melas |
Bluehead sucker | Nongame | Pantosteus discobolus |
Brassy minnow | Nongame | Hybognathus hankinsoni |
Burbot | Game | Lota lota |
Central stoneroller | Nongame | Campostoma anomalum |
Channel catfish | Game | Ictalurus punctatus |
Common shiner | Nongame | Luxilus cornutus |
Creek chub | Nongame | Semotilus atromaculatus |
Cutthroat trout | Game | Oncorhynchus clarkii |
Fathead minnow | Nongame | Pimephales promelas |
Finescale dace | Nongame | Chrosomus neogaeus |
Flannelmouth sucker | Nongame | Catostomus latipinnis |
Flathead chub | Nongame | Platygobio gracilis |
Goldeye | Nongame | Hiodon alosoides |
Green sucker | Nongame | Pantosteus virescens |
Hornyhead chub | Nongame | Nocomis biguttatus |
Iowa darter | Nongame | Etheostoma exile |
Johnny darter | Nongame | Etheostoma nigrum |
Lake chub | Nongame | Couesius plumbeus |
Longnose dace | Nongame | Rhinichthys cataractae |
Longnose sucker | Nongame | Catostomus catostomus |
Mottled sculpin | Nongame | Cottus bairdii |
Mountain sucker | Nongame | Catostomus platyrhynchus |
Mountain whitefish | Game | Prosopium williamsoni |
Northern leatherside chub | Nongame | Lepidomeda copei |
Northern pearl dace | Nongame | Margariscus nachtriebi |
Northern plains killifish | Nongame | Fundulus kansae |
Orangethroat darter | Nongame | Etheostoma spectabile |
Paiute sculpin | Nongame | Cottus beldingii |
Plains minnow | Nongame | Hybognathus placitus |
Plains topminnow | Nongame | Fundulus sciadicus |
Quillback | Nongame | Carpiodes cyprinus |
Red shiner | Nongame | Cyprinella lutrensis |
Redside shiner | Nongame | Richardsonius balteatus |
River carpsucker | Nongame | Carpiodes carpio |
Roundtail chub | Nongame | Gila robusta |
Sand shiner | Nongame | Miniellus stramineus |
Sauger | Game | Sander canadensis |
Shorthead redhorse | Nongame | Moxostoma macrolepidotum |
Shovelnose sturgeon | Game | Scaphirhynchus platorynchus |
Speckled dace | Nongame | Rhinichthys osculus |
Stonecat | Game | Noturus flavus |
Sturgeon chub | Nongame | Macrhybopsis gelida |
Suckermouth minnow | Nongame | Phenacobius mirabilis |
Utah chub | Nongame | Gila atraria |
Utah sucker | Nongame | Catostomus ardens |
Western silvery minnow | Nongame | Hybognathus argyritis |
White sucker | Nongame | Catostomus commersonii |
Common Name | Game/NonGame | Scientific Name |
Black crappie | Game | Pomoxis nigromaculatus |
Bluegill | Game | Lepomis macrochirus |
Brook trout | Game | Salvelinus fontinalis |
Brown trout | Game | Salmo trutta |
Common carp | Nongame | Cyprinus carpio |
Emerald shiner | Nongame | Notropis atherinoides |
Freshwater drum | Game | Aplodinotus grunniens |
Gizzard shad | Nongame | Dorosoma cepedianum |
Golden shiner | Nongame | Notemigonus crysoleucas |
Golden trout | Game | Oncorhynchus aguabonita |
Goldfish | Nongame | Carassius auratus |
Grass carp | Nongame | Ctenopharyngodon idella |
Green sunfish | Game | Lepomis cyanellus |
Green swordtail | Nongame | Xiphophorus hellerii |
Guppy | Nongame | Poecilia reticulata |
Kokanee (lacustrine sockeye salmon) | Game | Oncorhynchus nerka |
Lake trout | Game | Salvelinus namaycush |
Largemouth bass | Game | Micropterus nigricans |
Northern pike | Game | Esox lucius |
Ohrid trout | Game | Salmo letnica |
Pumpkinseed | Game | Lepomis gibbosus |
Rainbow trout | Game | Oncorhynchus mykiss |
Rock bass | Game | Ambloplites rupestris |
Smallmouth bass | Game | Micropterus dolomieu |
Spottail shiner | Nongame | Hudsonius hudsonius |
Walleye | Game | Sander vitreus |
Western mosquitofish | Nongame | Gambusia affinis |
White crappie | Game | Pomoxis annularis |
Yellow perch | Game | Perca flavescens |
Common Name | Game/Nongame | Scientific Name |
Brook stickleback | Nongame | Culaea inconstans |