Nongame Wildlife
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is responsible for managing birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles defined as nongame or as a protected animal. This includes many Species of Greatest Conservation Need as identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan. Game and Fish also works cooperatively with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to manage federally listed Threatened or Endangered species of nongame animals.
Over 80 mammal species in Wyoming are classified as nongame, including the iconic black-footed ferret.
Over 470 species of birds breed, winter, or migrate through Wyoming, including the burrowing owl.
Reptiles and Amphibians
Over 40 species of amphibians and reptiles are native to Wyoming, including one species found only in Wyoming, the aptly named Wyoming toad.

Report an Observation
Did you see a rare or interesting bird, mammal, amphibian or reptile? The Nongame Wildlife Section wants to hear about it!
Where can I find nongame species?
Would you like to know if a species has been documented in your area or where you can find a species of interest? Check out the Atlas of Birds, Mammals, Amphibians, and Reptiles in Wyoming. The Atlas breaks the state into 28 latitude and longitude degree blocks and displays both recent and historical presence and breeding status for all terrestrial vertebrates in the state. The Atlas also contains information on management status, a brief description of the habitat, and natural history comments for each species in Wyoming.
Are you a wildlife viewer attempting to check species off your life list, or would you like a more compact list of species and their distribution in Wyoming to keep by the window or in your vehicle? Visit or contact your local, regional Game and Fish Office for a copy of the Wyoming Bird Checklist or the Wyoming Mammal Checklist to document and record notes on your observations of Wyoming’s wildlife.
Nongame Regulations
Regulations pertaining to nongame wildlife can be found in Chapter 52, Take of Nongame Wildlife From Within Wyoming.
Possession of live nongame wildlife can be found in Chapter 69 for cold-blooded species and Chapter 10 for warm-blooded wildlife.

Nongame Annual Completion Reports
The Nongame Annual Completion Reports inform on threatened, endangered, nongame bird and mammals investigations.