Traditional Course Details
Recommended for ages 10+
Traditional Hunter Education courses are taught in person and are instructor-led in a classroom setting. Traditional courses are better for students 12 years old and younger, hands-on learners, or individuals new to firearm handling.
This course is 12-18 hours long and scheduled over 2-5 days. The course covers hunter responsibility and ethics, wildlife conservation and management, firearms and firearm safety, Game and Fish statutes and regulations, game care, wildlife identification, and outdoor safety.
Spanish curriculum and translators are available upon request.
To earn a certification:
Students must attend all scheduled class dates.
Students must pass a 50-question multiple-choice test with a minimum test score of 80%.
Students must pass a firearm handling practical.
Live fire is not required. However, some classes may offer an opportunity to shoot at a firearm range.
Hybrid course details
Must be ages 10+
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department offers a 2 part hybrid online and in-person hunter education certification option.
Part 1 in an online only, in-home course.
Part 2 is the REQUIRED Internet Completion Course (ICC), an in-person, 4-hour, instructor-led course.
*An Internet completion class may not be available when or where you need it, so pre-register for an Internet Completion Course before beginning the online self-study portion.
*If you take the Wyoming online course, you MUST take the Wyoming internet completion course. Individuals that took an online course from a different state will NOT be allowed to take a Wyoming ICC.
Part 1: Online course
The online portion is self-study through an online course. Adults average 9-10 hours of study while youth average 14 hours.
Spanish curriculum and translators are NOT YET AVAILABLE for the online course.
Cost is $19.95 per person
Students must pass online progress quizzes
Once the online class is completed, students will be given a certificate of completion and will have 12 months from the time of completion to take an Internet Completion Course.
Part 2: Internet completion course
The Internet Completion Class is an in-person, instructor-led class in a classroom setting for 4-6 hours.
The class will cover:
Review of online curriculum
Wyoming hunting laws and regulations
Wyoming wildlife ID and classification
Basics of firearm safety
Students must pass a 50-question multiple-choice test with a score of 80% or higher.
Students must pass a firearm handling practical.
- Live fire is not required. However, some classes may offer an opportunity to shoot at a firearm range.
Register for an internet completion course to complete your Hybrid Course and receive your Wyoming Hunter Education Certificate.
Register for internet completion course
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Register Tips and Tricks
Are you having trouble registering for a course? Download the PDF to learn tips and tricks to sign up for a course.