Hunting licenses
All persons must have a valid hunting license for the species they are hunting at all times while in the field.

Conservation stamp
Each person licensed to hunt or fish in Wyoming shall purchase one conservation stamp valid for one year. The stamp shall be in possession of the person while HUNTING OR FISHING.

Proof of hunter education
No person born on or after Jan. 1, 1966, may take wildlife by the use of firearms on land other than that of their own family, unless that person can demonstrate they have obtained a certificate of competency and safety in the use and handling of firearms.
Fluorescent orange/pink
Big and trophy game
No person, other than archers and crossbow hunters hunting during a special archery season or limited quota archery only Type 9 season, shall hunt any big or trophy game animal without wearing in a visible manner one or more exterior garments that shall include a hat, shirt, jacket, coat, vest or sweater of a fluorescent orange/pink color. Fluorescent orange/pink camouflage is legal. Muzzle‐loader hunters participating in limited quota muzzle‐loading seasons must meet the fluorescent orange/pink requirements.
Game birds and small game
The wearing of fluorescent orange/pink clothing while hunting small game and game birds is recommended as a safety measure. It is required when hunting pheasants on Wyoming Game and Fish Department Wildlife Habitat Management Areas or Bureau of Reclamation Withdrawal lands bordering and including Glendo State Park.
Archery license/important information
In addition to a general or limited quota license, one must purchase an archery license before hunting during a special archery season. Only one archery license per year is required, and it is valid for all big and trophy game special archery seasons. Archery licenses are available online, local Game and Fish offices and license-selling agents. Archery equipment can be used during the regular season, but all hunters hunting during the regular season must wear hunter orange.
Some limited quota hunting seasons are restricted to archery hunting only. Archers possessing a Type 9 archery only license are not required to purchase an archery permit. However, they can only hunt in the hunt area(s) and during the dates their license is valid, and may not hunt during a later regular season if unsuccessful.

Access Yes - Hunter Management Areas (HMA)
If you are hunting private land with access provided through the Access Yes Hunter Management Area program, you must apply for and receive a permission slip for the HMA online. You must print two copies of the permission slip: one to be displayed on the dash of your vehicle while in the HMA, and the other to be carried on your person while in the field. Some HMAs have unlimited permission slips, while others must be applied for through a draw. Please visit the Public Access section of the website for additional information, and to apply for a permission slip. Permission slips are NOT required while hunting private lands enrolled in the Walk-In Area program.

Permission to hunt, fish, trap or collect antlers or horns
No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, trap or collect antlers or horns without the permission of the landowner or person in charge of the property. The license must bear the signature of the landowner, lessee or agent of the landowner on whose private property the person is accessing or other legitimate proof as evidence that permission to hunt, fish trap or collect antlers or horns has been granted.
Other stamps and permits
Elk special management permit
This is required to hunt elk in some hunt areas in northwest Wyoming. Areas where this permit is required can be found in the elk hunting regulations in section 6.
Pheasant special management permit
This is required to hunt pheasants on some Wyoming Game and Fish Department wildlife habitat management areas, some lands enrolled in the PLPW program, and some state lands. Revenue from this permit helps finance pheasant rearing and stocking at our two bird farms in the state. Areas requiring this permit are listed in the Upland Game Bird regulations under section 4 of the pheasant hunting section.
Federal migratory bird hunting stamp
Hunters 16 years of age and older must purchase a federal migratory bird hunting stamp before hunting waterfowl (ducks and geese). Hunting sandhill cranes, mourning doves, coots, snipe, rails or crows is not required. These stamps will be available on the Game and Fish website and from license-selling agents before the opening of waterfowl season. Duck Stamps are also available through the U.S. Postal Service.
Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit
All licensed hunters - including pioneers - who hunt migratory game birds such as waterfowl, sandhill cranes, mourning doves, coots, snipe and rails shall possess and exhibit a National Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit. HIP permits acquired from another state are not transferable to Wyoming. A new HIP permit must be completed for each state hunted.
Light goose conservation order special management permit
A light goose special management permit is required to hunt for light geese in the Central Flyway of Wyoming during the spring hunting season. Season information for the light goose conservation order is available in the Migratory Game Bird regulation brochure, and Chapter 14 of Commission regulations.
Do I need an outfitter?
Nonresident big and trophy game hunters must obtain a professional outfitter or resident guide while hunting in any federally designated wilderness area. The Wyoming Board of Outfitters and Professional Guides must license all outfitters.
- A resident guide license may be obtained from the Wyoming Game and Fish Departent by any resident possessing a valid big or trophy game license. A resident guide may only take up to two nonresidents in a wilderness area per year, provided they do not accept any gratuity or compensation.

Species-specific hunting information
For more information on the species you wish to hunt, please review the brochures accompanying regulations when purchasing a license.