Large Carnivore
Game and Fish prioritizes educating the public how to recreate and enjoy large carnivore country safely.

The Nongame Bird and Mammal Program is responsible for managing nongame species including Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

Urban & Nuisance Wildlife
When wildlife and humans live in the same place, there is potential for conflict.

Wildlife Disease and Health
Wildlife disease is becoming one of the most challenging issues that agencies face today. Many diseases can be shared between wildlife, domestic animals and humans.

Movement Matters
Wyoming is home to some of the longest intact big game migrations on the planet. But long or short-term, animals must move across the landscape to survive.
State Wildlife Action Plan
Wyoming's State Wildlife Action Plan is a comprehensive strategy to maintain the health and diversity of wildlife within the state.
Sage-Grouse Manangement
Access Wyoming's Greater Sage-grouse executive order documents along with additional conservation resources including federal agency guidance publications.
Statewide Mule Deer Initiatives
Game and Fish is committed to conserving wildlife for the enjoyment of residents and visitors, including doing all we can to reverse the downward trend among mule deer.
Frequently Asked Questions
Visit the Wyoming wildlife frequently asked questions page to find the answers you have been looking for.
Handbook of Biological Techniques
Find chapters of the Handbook of Biological Techniques here.
Wyoming Wildlife Magazine
Established in 1936, the magazine has been providing quality content for decades. Published in partnership between subscribers and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Wildlife’s pages contain the state’s wild things and places.