This page is offered only as a general reference. The summaries below are only updated during business hours; mortalities reported on weekends and holidays will not be included until the following business day.
The HOTLINE is kept updated every day as mortality reports are received. CALL THE TROPHY GAME MORTALITY HOTLINE BEFORE YOU HUNT.
1-800-264-1280 or 307-224-1478
Fall black bear
To determine the status of hunt area closures, call the Mortality Limit Hotline. This chart is offered only as a general reference.
Spring black bear
To determine the status of hunt area closures, call the Mortality Limit Hotline. This chart is offered only as a general reference.
Mountain lion
To determine the status of hunt area closures, call the Mortality Limit Hotline. This chart is offered only as a general reference.
Gray wolf
To determine the status of hunt area closures, call the Mortality Limit Hotline. This chart is offered only as a general reference.