Licensing for Veterans
Wyoming appreciates the sacrifices made by our veterans and their families. Because of their service to our country, we are all free to choose to hunt and fish in some of the most impressive landscapes on Earth. On this page, you will find additional resources and programs for veterans who want to do the same. Whether you’re a lifelong Wyoming resident or a first-time visitor, thank you for your service. We hope you enjoy your Wyoming outdoor experience. Please get in touch with us any time with questions.
Wyoming Resident/US Military Purple Heart Medal Recipient
Wyoming State Statute § 23-1- 705 (d): The department shall issue without charge lifetime game bird, small game and fish licenses to any United States military purple heart medal recipient with document proof thereof. The license is valid so long as the licensee remains a Wyoming resident.
*The Wyoming Game and Fish Department shall accept the following for proof of receiving a U.S. Military Purple Heart Medal: Official DD-214 form, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Identification Card (VIC) with Purple Heart Medal designation or U.S. Purple Heart Medal Recipient certificate.

Donate a License
Wyoming Statute 23-1-705 (k) authorizes the holder of any valid big game license may surrender said license to the department for reissuance to a veteran with disabilities or a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair as established by commission rule and regulation selected and sponsored by a nonprofit charitable organization providing hunting opportunities for disabled veterans or persons with permanent disabilities who use wheelchairs.
As a condition to surrender the license for reissuance to a disabled veteran or a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair, the license holder agrees to the following:
The unused license shall be submitted along with a form provided by the Department which indicates the license holder’s desire to surrender the license issued in their name and donate the surrendered license to a disabled veteran or a a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair.
The unused, unaltered license with all coupons intact shall be surrendered to the Department’s License Section. The person surrendering the license shall sign an affidavit verifying that the license was not used during any season.
Any person surrendering a valid big game license to be reissued to a disabled veteran or a person with a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair shall not be eligible to receive a duplicate license for the same species, hunt area and type as the surrendered license.
Any person surrendering a valid big game license to be reissued to a disabled veteran or a person with a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair, for which preference points have been accumulated, shall not have preference points restored for species of license surrendered.
Any license donated and reissued shall not be sold, traded, auctioned or offered for any monetary value and shall not be issued to, or used by, any person other than a disabled veteran or a person with a permanently disabled person who uses a wheelchair selected and sponsored by a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to providing hunting opportunities as defined in Commission regulation.
Holders of donated licenses shall NOT be exempt from the provisions in Chapter 44 limiting the number of licenses an individual can possess in any one (1) calendar year.

Application to Donate Big Game License
View Current Donated Big Game Licenses
Disabled Resident Veteran Forms and Applications
There is an information form for each application detailing the specifics of the application.
100% Application Information
50% Application Information
Active Duty Wyoming Resident in Combat Zone Licenses
Complimentary resident general elk, resident general deer, resident game bird/small game and resident daily fishing licenses shall be issued to any Wyoming resident serving on active duty in the United States military deployed to a combat zone who is home on military leave during the applicable hunting or fishing season and returning to duty in a combat zone. Applicants for licenses shall meet the statutory requirements established in W.S. 23-2-101(a) and shall provide to the Department a valid, current military identification card, military leave orders, a current Leave and Earnings Statement indicating the applicant is receiving hostile fire compensation and proof of residency at the time of application. Licenses shall be issued at no fee to the applicant and shall only be issued at the Cheyenne headquarters office or Department regional offices.