Sage grouse

Sage-Grouse Executive Order

Access the State of Wyoming's Greater Sage-Grouse Executive Order documents, federal agency publications and other implementation documents below.


Disturbance Density Calculation Tool


Sage Grouse Implementation Team


Density Disturbance Calculation Tool

DDCT is a spatially based application that calculates the number of disruptive activities averaged per square mile and the percentage surface disturbance within the DDCT assessment area.

Sage-Grouse Implementation Team

The Sage-Grouse Implementation Team (SGIT) is comprised of representatives from State and Federal agencies, industry, and non-governmental organizations.

Density Disturbance Calculation Tool

The Density and Disturbance Calculation Tool (DDCT) is a spatially based application that calculates the number of disruptive activities averaged per square mile and the percentage surface disturbance within the DDCT assessment area. Proponents of surface-disturbing activities in sage-grouse core areas must submit their project footprints through this tool to complete their permitting process.


Go to the DDCT

Note: Starting in 2024, all exception requests will need to be submitted through the DDCT as we will be discontinuing use of the Exception Request form.


If you have technical questions about using the DDCT application, please contact the GIS DDCT Support team at 307-757-0408 or via email at 


If you have questions about the policy or biology that underlies the DDCT process, please call the Habitat Protection Program at 307-777-4506 or email us at

Sage-Grouse Implementation Team

The Sage-Grouse Implementation Team (SGIT) is comprised of representatives from State and Federal agencies, industry, and non-governmental organizations. Governor Gordon has appointed the SGIT members, and they work collaboratively to protect the Greater Sage-Grouse under the State of Wyoming's Sage-Grouse Executive Order (2019-3). 

Sage-grouse Core Area Proposed Revisions:



Interactive map

View the interactive map of existing sage-grouse core areas with SGIT subcommittee proposal revisions (Final Draft).

View map