Wyoming Wildlife Frequently Asked Questions
Big game herds are classified to sex and age annually using a combination of aerial and ground observations. Pronghorn are usually classified in August, as well as some open-country elk herds. Counting animals at various times of the year also gives a good indication of habitat uses in different areas during different seasons. Information gathered is used to set seasons and license quotas for the coming year.
You can request authorization to salvage deer, elk, antelope, moose, wild bison or wild turkey from unintentional vehicle collisions with wildlife. There are some restrictions to collection. Namely, anyone collecting roadkill must receive authorization from Game and Fish before collection. That can be done through the Wyoming 511 app, even without cellular service.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department does not have a comprehensive list of record book big game animals; however, the Game and Fish keeps a file containing many Wyoming trophies' score sheets. Hunters who bag trophy animals are invited to send a copy of their score sheets to the Game and Fish in Cheyenne. The Boone & Crockett Club keeps the most comprehensive lists for firearm trophies and Pope & Young Club for animals harvested by archers.