Game and Fish to cover carcass disposal fees
Elk Hunter glasses out on the landscape

In an effort to curb the spread of chronic wasting disease, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is offering to cover the cost for local hunters to dispose of their carcasses at the Teton County trash transfer station. Hunters are asked to show the transfer station attendant their hunting license or carcass coupon and there will be no charge for the disposal of their big game carcasses.


State regulations regarding the transport and disposal of big game carcasses in Wyoming are in place to help limit the environmental spread of chronic wasting disease. In short, once all edible portions of the animal have been removed, the remaining carcass can be left in the field at the site of harvest. If the animal is removed from the field for processing, the carcass must be disposed of in an approved landfill or incinerator. Disposing of carcasses along highways or on public land is illegal. Illegal dumping creates a negative public perception of hunters and can serve as an unwanted attractant for bears or other carnivores and scavengers. Please read and adhere to all regulations for in-state and out-of-state movement of carcasses.


Please visit the Wyoming Game and Fish website to learn more about Chronic Wasting Disease and landfills accepting big game carcasses across the state.

Mark Gocke
Public Information Specialist

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