Fishing challenges continue to be popular among anglers
Man fishing from side of stream

Whether the pursuit is Wyoming’s four native subspecies of cutthroat trout or other game fish, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s fishing challenges continue to attract anglers.


Last year, 171 anglers achieved the Cutt-Slam by catching and documenting Bonneville, Colorado, Snake River and Yellowstone cutthroat trout in their native drainages. It is the seventh consecutive year more than 100 anglers accomplished this feat. Since the program started in 1998, 2,555 anglers have achieved the Cutt-Slam.


Recipients receive a personalized certificate and vehicle decal from Game and Fish, and since the summer of 2018 a medallion from Wyoming Trout Unlimited. Anglers from three countries and 49 states have completed the Cutt-Slam. Rhode Island is the only state that hasn’t had a resident complete the challenge.


“Completing the Cutt-Slam is a great way for residents and nonresidents to experience some great angling and terrific scenery in the cutthroat's native range,” said Alan Osterland, Game and Fish fisheries chief. “ I have had family and friends travel to Wyoming from around the country to complete the slam and have thoroughly enjoyed it.”


The Cutt-Slam was the idea of the late Ron Remmick, a former Game and Fish fisheries supervisor in the Green River and Pinedale regions who worked for the department for 25 years. Remmick developed the Cutt-Slam to draw attention and appreciation for the habitat needs and management efforts for Wyoming’s cutthroat.


Game and Fish created the Master Angler program in 2019 and awards anglers for catching certain species of game fish of specific lengths. Last year, 889 anglers earned Master Angler status, which brings the program total to 6,074. Among that total were 349 Trophy Anglers and 52 Ultimate Anglers. Trophy Angler is given to those who catch five species of game fish at a qualifying length. Ultimate Angler is 10 game fish at a qualifying length.


In 2012, Game and Fish created the XStream Angler program to showcase some of the state’s most important streams and the work the department has done to protect water flows. The program encourages anglers, and anyone who values flowing waters, to seek waters where instream flow water rights have been obtained by Game and Fish over the years. Through 2024, 207 people have been recognized.


Game and Fish established its Youth Fishing Challenge in 2010, and 404 kids have been awarded. This was created to introduce young anglers to the diversity of fish resources in Wyoming and expand their angling skills. Game and Fish issues collectible certificates to eligible youth who complete one of seven challenges. Learn more about fishing challenges on the Game and Fish website.




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