
January 16-17, 2025 - Commission Meeting
Cheyenne, WY


The following regulation will be presented to the Commission at their January meeting:

Chapter 66, Wyoming Bighorn/Domestic Sheep Plan Revision Rules

Review the regulation draft and statement of reason documents and submit public comments here.


View our most current regulations below.

While some regulations have been adopted by the WGF Commission, they are not effective until approved and signed by the Governor and filed at the Secretary of State's Office.  This can take up to 75 days, so please check back to obtain the final version.

Trophy Game

Trophy game species included in this section are black bear, mountain lion, grizzly bear, and gray wolf where specifically designated as trophy game.

Trophy Game

Trophy game species included in this section are black bear, mountain lion, grizzly bear, and gray wolf where specifically designated as trophy game.

Black Bear
Chapter 3

This regulation establishes hunting seasons, dates, area mortality limits, provisions for the use of baits, special archery seasons and hunt area descriptions for black bear hunting.

Black Bear Hunting Seasons 

Black Bear Hunting Brochure
Black Bear Hunting Area Map
Black Bear Bait Map

Bear Bait Site First Come First Served begins April 5, 2023 at 8:00am

Bear Identification Quiz
Map-Primary Conservation Area for Grizzly Bears, as referenced in Chapter 3, Section 6(a)(vi)

Mountain Lion Hunting Seasons
Chapter 42

This regulation establishes hunting season dates, mortality limits, limitations, archery seasons and hunt area descriptions for mountain lion hunting seasons.

Mountain Lion Hunting Seasons
Mountain Lion Hunting Brochure
Mountain Lion Hunt Area Map

Gray Wolf Hunting Seasons
Chapter 47

This regulation provides for the hunting of gray wolves where designated as trophy game animals. 

Gray Wolf Hunting Seasons 
Gray Wolf Hunting Brochure
Gray Wolf Hunting Area Map

Notification of Grizzly Bear Relocation
Chapter 58

This regulation provides for public notification of grizzly bears relocated by the Department.

Notification of Grizzly Bear Relocation Regulation

Grizzly Bear Management Regulation
Chapter 67

This regulation provides for the management of grizzly bears in Wyoming to ensure a recovered population.

Grizzly Bear Management Regulation

Grizzly Bear Hunting Seasons
Chapter 68

This regulation establishes a process to issue grizzly bear hunting licenses, hunting regulations, hunting seasons and limitations, and descriptions for grizzly bear hunt areas. 

Grizzly Bear Hunting Seasons

Trophy Game

Trophy game species included in this section are black bear, mountain lion, grizzly bear, and gray wolf where specifically designated as trophy game.