I know the ranch rules require me to stay on designated or established roads within the HMA. Is it okay to drive around a muddy spot or snow drift?

Submitted by admin on
No, staying on the road is meant quite literally. If the road itself cannot be traveled without a noticeable risk of damaging the road or your vehicle, it is considered closed at that point. You will likely be cited if you drive off road other than to park immediately beside the road to allow other vehicles to pass.

I see in the ranch rules for my HMA that ORV's are prohibited. Is it okay if I just leave it in the back of the pickup and don't use it, or do I have to find a place to leave it before entering the access area?

Submitted by admin on
If ORV's are prohibited, you should not have one in your possession while on that HMA. Those landowners are typically especially aware of off-road issues and simply bringing it onto their property may cause them unnecessary concern, additionally, you may be cited for possession of it, even without using it.

I want to secure a permission slip before I purchase my license. Why can't I apply for a permission slip?

Submitted by admin on
In order to maximize opportunities for hunters, a license is required to be able to apply for a permission slip. This helps ensure only hunters who are prepared with the appropriate license and are likely to utilize the opportunity are able to reserve the limited spaces available.

How do I get a list of all the landowners who allow access in my hunt area?

Submitted by admin on
We do not give out contact information for any landowners except for those who choose to use the Landowner/Hunter Assistance Program to fill specific harvest needs. You can find land ownership records and mailing addresses for all Wyoming landowners by contacting the county assessor’s office for that county (most current), or by searching for the Wyoming Statewide Parcel Viewer online (usually only updated annually).

The dates on my permission slip are different than the regulations show for my license. What dates can I really hunt?

Submitted by admin on
A number of permission slips are available to multiple license areas and/or types. Other slips are only valid for a portion of the hunting season. You may only legally access and hunt an access area during the period when both the hunting season for your license (as published in the regulation book that came with your license) and the access period shown on your permission slip overlap.

My permission slip shows my old address. How do I update it?

Submitted by admin on
The Hunter Management Area system pulls the address information from your license profile in early July each year. If the address is also incorrect on your licenses, you can update the address in their database by calling the License Section at 307-777-4600, or tell the license agent your new address the next time you buy a license. If you have already updated your license address (since July), you are legal, but the address will display incorrectly on your permission slips until we update our files again.
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