Is it legal to “quick quarter” or “gutless” field dress a big game animal?

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Yes it is legal in Wyoming to “gutless” field dress a big game animal. There are a few restrictions that need to be followed. When “gutless” field dressing a big game animal, you are required to bring out of the field all four quarters, whether shot or not, back straps and inside tender loins. When “gutless” field dressing a big game animal, cut slits along the back and reach in to remove the inside tender loins. It is not considered waste if you leave organs in the field (i.e. heart, liver).

Does camouflage orange satisfy Wyoming’s hunter orange requirement?

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Yes it does. Camouflage orange has various shades of fluorescent orange and other colors in a broken pattern. Wyoming law requires the wearing of one fluorescent orange garment during the firearm’s season to include a hat, shirt, jacket, coat or sweater of a fluorescent orange color. Any one of these items in solid orange or a camo orange pattern would fulfill the requirement.

Do youth hunters and hunters with a Disabled Hunter Permit have an early archery season opener for big game?

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Youth hunters and hunters with disabilities have no early archery season other than the special archery seasons as established in hunting regulation. Special archery season dates for elk, deer and antelope are found in Section 3 of the regulations.

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