Permissions Slips and Application Dates


Antelope, Antlerless Elk


Hanna Draw HMA is open October 10 thru November 30, for the taking of Antelope (starts October 10) and Antlerless Elk (starts October 21) during the specific species season as published in the current Game and Fish Commission Regulations. 

For more information see below.

Please see ranch rules for more information. 

**NO early antlerless elk hunting allowed in the Hanna Draw or Hanna Draw West HMA's.  Antlerless elk hunting will begin on October 21 in the Hanna Draw.**

**Antelope hunting in Hanna Draw will be from October 10 thru October 31.**  


Laramie Regional Office
1212 S. Adams St.
Laramie WY 82070

(307) 745-4046

Big and Trophy Game Allowed on this HMA:

Antelope Doe/Fawn Antelope Deer Doe/Fawn Deer Elk Cow/Calf Elk Moose Bighorn Sheep Mountain Lion Black Bear
X - 48 X - 48 - - - X - 16 - - - -

Small Game, Upland and Game Birds Allowed on this HMA:

Waterfowl Pheasant Sharp-Tailed Grouse Sage-Grouse Blue Grouse Sandhill Crane Dove Partridge Turkey Rabbit
- - - - - - - - - -
"X" denotes specific species you may hunt on each specific HMA. Hunt Area's Denoted in RED after "X".

General HMA Information

The Hanna-Draw Hunter Management Area (HMA) is located Just north and west from the town of Hanna, and is comprised of private and/or leased lands of Q-Creek Ranch and Aggie Grazing LLC.

Each hunter must possess an appropriate permission slip and vehicle pass for the time period and type(s) of animal they are hunting before entering the HMA.


Each Hunter Management Area has a unique set of ranch rules. It is the hunter’s responsibility to know, understand, and comply with the ranch rules in order to utilize the HMA. Failure to comply is a violation of Game and Fish Commission Regulations and may result in fines, the termination of access privileges, and/or other legal penalties. Hunters should abide by the ranch rules and respect the landowner and the land for continued access opportunities. Remember, we are guests on their property!


The Wyoming Game & Fish Department commends these participating ranches for their contributions to wildlife management and hunter access.