Pioneer licenses open door for hunting, fishing for a lifetime

Long-time Wyoming residents can look forward to a lifetime of hunting and fishing. Thanks to the Wyoming Legislature, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is able to offer special pioneer hunting and fishing licenses. 

Wyoming residents who are at least 75 and have lived in Wyoming continuously for the past 50 years are eligible for a pioneer license. Residents who are at least 70 and have lived in Wyoming continuously for the past 50 years are eligible for a Pioneer Heritage License. 

Pioneer license holders are able to purchase licenses at reduced rates for deer, elk, antelope, and wild turkey. 

In addition to the pioneer license options, any resident, honorably discharged veteran, who is over 65 and who has lived in Wyoming continuously for the past 30 years is eligible to receive pioneer bird, small game and fish licenses at no charge. Individuals who would like the pioneer bird, small game and fish license must apply at a Game and Fish office.

Pioneer bird, small game and fish license holders are exempt from purchasing a Conservation Stamp for hunting and fishing. 

“Pioneer licenses are a great way for hunters and anglers to continue to be outside doing the hobbies they enjoy, just at a reduced rate. Individuals who submit limited-quota elk, deer,  antelope or wild turkey pioneer applications still participate in the annual license draws and have the same chances of drawing a license as other residents,” said Jennifer Doering, license section manager. 

Doering advised hunters who just want a general pioneer or pioneer heritage deer, elk, antelope or wild turkey license to not apply in the draw; just purchase over the counter.  

Pioneer elk, deer, antelope or wild turkey licenses can be issued from any Game and Fish office or license selling agent. 

“When purchasing a pioneer license, the reduced rates will automatically apply based on the hunter age and residency,” said Lori Roe, Sheridan Region office manager. “There is no special license to purchase, just tell the license selling agent what license you want and based on your age and residency you should get your pioneer license.”

Pioneer and pioneer heritage applicants desiring to purchase leftover licenses may do so at the Cheyenne Headquarters Office, Game and Fish Regional Offices, automated license selling agents and on Game and Fish’s website. To see a full listing of rates, visit the Game and Fish website.

Wyoming Game and Fish (307) 777-4600

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