The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is holding a public meeting in Cheyenne and is accepting public comments on proposed increases to nonresident big game preference point fees. All interested parties are encouraged to attend this public meeting on July 10 at 6 p.m. at the Cheyenne Headquarters, 5400 Bishop Blvd.
The Game and Fish is proposing to raise preference point fees for nonresidents for elk, deer, antelope, bighorn sheep and moose. The proposed preference point fees are $52 (elk), $41 (deer), antelope ($31), bighorn sheep ($103) and moose ($77). The fees for resident bighorn sheep and moose preference point fees will remain at $7.
The 2017 Wyoming Legislature eliminated all general funding for Game and Fish Department programs. To offset some of that funding loss, the Legislature raised prices of some hunting and angling licenses beginning in 2018 and increased the price range in which the Game and Fish Commission can establish the price charged for preference point fees.
If unable to attend the meeting, written comments on the proposed preference point fees will be accepted through Aug. 7 at 5 p.m.. Comments can be submitted by mailing:
3030 Energy Lane
Casper, WY 82604
or online at All written comments will be presented to the Game and Fish Commission prior to the public hearing at their Sept. 19-20 meeting in Gillette at the Alan Mickelson Fire Training Center.
The Game and Fish Department supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations by contacting the Cheyenne Game and Fish Office at (307) 777-4501.