Habitat Protection Program
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is statutorily charged with managing and protecting all Wyoming wildlife (W.S. 23-1-103). Pursuant to our mission, the Habitat Protection Program (HPP) coordinates the review and analysis of proposed development projects, land use plans, and policies that have the potential to impact fish and wildlife in Wyoming. The HPP team also takes the lead in implementing the State of Wyoming’s Sage-Grouse Executive Order and Mule Deer and Antelope Migration Corridor Executive Order.
Development planning resources
View recommendation documents, executive orders and access data and spatial analysis tools.
How to submit a project for review
HPP welcomes the opportunity to review your project for wildlife considerations.
Resources for development planning
Below are resources to plan for development projects in Wyoming.
Natural resource & energy explorer
The Natural Resource and Energy Explorer (NREX) is a GIS-based web application that supports pre-planning development considerations.
Geospatial data
This site offers users the ability to review data set descriptions, preview data in tabular and map form, and save data in multiple formats.
How to submit a project for review
Email wgfd.hpp@wyo.gov with the following information:
- Name of the project.
- Name of the proponent and the name of the entity submitting the project (if they are not the same).
- Legal location of the project (township/range/section).
- Description of the project.
- Detailed map of the project area, including township, range and sections.
- Contact information for the recipient of the letter of review and any follow-up questions by HPP (email preferred).
HPP will provide a letter of review in approximately 30-45 days.

Greater sage-grouse
Projects located within sage-grouse core/connectivity/winter concentration areas or within 2 miles of a non-core area sage-grouse lek, may need additional analysis for compliance with Sage-Grouse Executive Order 2019-3. If your project falls within these parameters, you may submit your project for review using the One Steppe Density and Disturbance Calculation Tool (DDCT) web application via the One Steppe webpage. A pdf with steps to help you get started can be downloaded here.
Exception requests for seasonal timing limitation stipulations may be submitted via the DDCT or can be submitted to wgfd.hpp@wyo.gov using this form.

Contact the Habitat Protection Program
If you have questions contact the Habitat Protection Program at (307) 777-4506 or wgfd.hpp@wyo.gov.