Fishing stocking program improves sport fishing for anglers

Wyoming Game and Fish distribution crews have been busy this spring stocking fish statewide. The crew stocks an impressive 450 waters around Wyoming with a variety of species such as trout, channel catfish, grayling, splake, largemouth bass, and kokanee salmon, to list only a few.

This year, the Game and Fish fish distribution trucks were in need of new tanks to haul fish and so in addition to replacing the tanks, the trucks are also sported a new look. They are now promoting fishing resources and ways for the public to learn more about Wyoming angling.

“We wanted to find a way to bring attention to how angler’s license fees provide the opportunity for world-class fisheries here in Wyoming,” said Mark Fowden, Wyoming Game and Fish Chief of the Fish Division. “These tanks are eye catching and at the same time, highlight the message of what anglers’ dollars help provide – millions of fish in hundreds of waters across the state.”

The tanks, which are being replaced over time, each spotlight an underwater photo of a fish species found in Wyoming and include messages such as: “Stocking more than 5 million fish each year” or “Stocking Wyoming’s fish since 1882.”

Some of the fish distribution trucks will be named after fish species with unique hashtags to encourage the public to follow along and see where that truck has been and the number of fish and fish species it carried. The public will be able to find more information about the Game and Fish fish stocking program by searching ‪#‎wyofish‬.

“These trucks drive thousands of miles every year stocking over 450 waters around Wyoming. It is our hope with these new tanks we can capture people’s interest and motivate them to learn more about the incredible resource we have and the efforts we take to keep it that way,” said Fowden.

To follow the whole day of stocking in videos and pictures visit our Facebook page or search Facebook using #wyofish or ‪#‎wyocutty‬ or see the videos below.

Learn more about fishing stocking and the new trucks through short videos with Adam Leiferman, Wyoming Game and Fish fish culture section and statewide distribution.

  • Here's a video of the process of stocking 2,500 Eagle Lake rainbow trout into Sloan's Lake in Cheyenne

  • Ever wonder about the technical aspects of our fish distribution trucks and how we keep fish healthy while we transport them? Adam gives a quick tour of the truck. 


  • Ever wonder what the inside of those giant fish distribution truck tanks look like? Well wonder no more! Adam Leiferman, gives a tour of the inside of the tank and some of the technical aspects that keeps fish healthy while they travel.


Wyoming Game and Fish (307) 777-4600

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