Mule deer

Upper Wind River Mule Deer Migration Corridor

Identifying a migration corridor: The science and why

  • Wyoming is home to important migrations, including the longest pronghorn and mule deer migrations in the continental United States. 
  • The Upper Wind River Mule Deer Migration Corridor is vital for the Dubois mule deer herd and others from Sublette, Grand Teton and Yellowstone. Despite a decline, the Dubois herd has fared better than statewide populations, likely due to intact migration routes and winter ranges. These mule deer migrate five to 90 miles seasonally.
  • With the formal identification of the corridor, land managers will be provided with the most current data to implement conservation measures and utilize additional funding opportunities that will become available for conservation-based projects on private and public lands.
  • Wyoming is committed to conserving these vital movements, which help maintain populations by connecting seasonal ranges they depend on for sustainability. 
  • The Department is following the public identification process outlined in the Governor’s Migration Corridor Executive Order. 


Download the one-page flyer with an overview of the Upper Wind River Mule Deer Migration Corridor.

Threat evaluation

Download the threat evaluation for the Upper Wind River Mule Deer Migration Corridor.

Submit public comment

Submit public comment on the Upper Wind River mule deer migration corridor through the form below.


Access the shapefiles for the Upper Wind River Mule Deer Migration Corridor in the folder below.


The science

  • Over the last decade, Game and Fish wildlife managers and research partners have collected GPS data from 147 individual collared mule deer. 

  • The GPS-identified paths with a 300 meter buffer have revealed important pathways mule deer use, potential obstacles they face and stopover areas where mule deer spend the majority of their time resting and foraging along their journey.

  • Collar data was used to define what portions of the migration corridor were high, medium and low use.


Next steps

  • The deadline to submit public comment is 5 p.m. Aug. 9, 2024. Comments can be submitted online or by mail to the Pinedale Regional Game and Fish Office, PO Box 850, Pinedale, WY 82941.

  • The Commission will be asked to approve the identification of the migration corridor at their September meeting. 

Frequently asked questions