Fish Hatchery Information
Located on the western slope of the Big Horn Mountains, Tillett Springs Rearing Station is approximately 17
miles northeast of Lovell, Wyoming. The rearing station was constructed in 1958 and named for the Tillett
Ranch granted the Wyoming Game and Fish Department a 99-year lease for the property. Located a
short distance from the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range and Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, this
facility offers visitors scenic beauty and the opportunity to view fish culture activities.
Tillet Springs Rearing Station Address
P.O. Box 416, 195 County Road 16
Tillett, Wyoming 82431
Fish Hatchery Hours:
The hatchery is open to the public 8 am - 5 pm daily.
Fish Hatchery Video Tour
Hatchery Broodstock

Tillett Springs Rearing Station maintains the captive kokanee salmon broodstock.
The facility also raises brown trout, Eagle Lake rainbow
and Snake River cutthroat trout.
Where does Tillett Springs Rearing Station get its water?
Two natural springs provide an excellent water source, supplying 1,380 gallons per minute at a constant temperature of 54 F.