293 results found

Chronic wasting disease detected in Grand Teton National Park

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Wildlife Health Laboratory has confirmed that an adult buck mule deer from Grand Teton National Park has tested positive for chronic wasting disease. 


Game and Fish Commission dedicates funding for mule deer

The commission also heard updates on CWD, AIS  


New app makes check stations more efficient for hunters

Hunters passing through check stations this fall can expect a quicker, more efficient process in having their harvested big game animal checked thanks to new Wyoming Game and Fish Department…


Mandatory Sampling in deer areas 157 and 171

If you intend to harvest any deer in areas 157 or 171 this fall, CWD testing is MANDATORY.  


Hunters! Check out latest Chronic Wasting Disease Information, Please.

Special rules apply to anyone transporting game in state or out of state.


Lymph node removal training

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is hosting a training session on how to remove lymph nodes from harvested deer and elk for chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing.


Game & Fish Urges Proper Big Game Carcass Disposal

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is reminding big game hunters that it is unlawful to dump carcasses or other refuse on public lands.


Hunters: Rules for Big Game Carcass Transport and Disposal

Hunters: Know the rules for big game caracass transport and disposal to help prevent the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease!


Hunters, we need your assistance this fall

You can help with three projects this fall, it's easy!


Year in review for wildlife of Wyoming

Black-footed ferrets, mule deer migrations, and grizzly bear management were among the top issues in 2016 for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. 


Illegal carcass dumping in Sheridan Region

Big game hunting seasons continue throughout the Sheridan Region and wildlife managers are reminding hunters there are very specific laws and regulations that apply when processing and transporting
