Fishing and Boating
Welcome to the fishing and boating hub! Get info on fishing licenses, stay up-to-date on regulations and find the best public access for fishing and boating in Wyoming. View stocking reports or find information on registering your watercraft. Learn how to help combat the spread of aquatic invasive species. Dive into the world of fishing and boating now.

Places to Boat and Fish in Wyoming
Find places to go fishing in Wyoming and how to get there.

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention
Watercraft inspection requirements and locations, decal information, training and educational resources

Boating and Watercraft
Registration information, regulations, accident reports and FAQs on boating and watercraft in Wyoming.

Fish Stocking Reports
Find stocking records to see when fish were stocked in Wyoming waters. The reports include stocking date, species, number stocked, length, water name, and county.

Wyoming Fish Hatcheries
Insight on Wyoming's fish hatcheries and rearing stations, their locations, and species reared. Learn about hatchery programs, stocking initiatives and conservation efforts. Watch videos to take virtual tours of Wyoming's ten fish hatcheries.

Fishing Challenges
Find out how to complete the Cutt-Slam, Master Angler, XStream Angler or one of the Wyoming Youth Fishing Challenges!