Members of the public gather at a public meeting for a presentation of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Draft Elk Feedgrounds Management Plan

Public Meetings

The Department welcomes comments regarding proposed changes to regulations.  Questions about proposed regulation changes should be directed to Department Regional Offices.  No individual Department response will be generated from questions submitted through this commenting forum.

To ensure the Commission receives your comment before their scheduled meeting, select the correct link below for the regulation that is open for comment.  NOTE: The online commenting system has an 8,000-character limit.

Commission Meeting

September 10-11, 2024

Douglas, WY

The public comment period for Chapters 28 and 44 is now closed.

Public meetings were held in each region. View the schedule here.

Chapter 28, Regulation Governing Big or Trophy Game Animal or Game Bird or Gray Wolf Damage Claims

Chapter 44, Regulation for Issuance of Licenses, Permits, Stamps, Tags, Preference Points and Competitive Raffle Chances