Safety first this hunting season
Woman hunting wearing orange

Hunting season has officially arrived and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department wants to remind hunters to prioritize safety and stay informed about potential area closures due to fires. When hitting the field this season, following key safety tips can ensure your dream hunt doesn’t turn into a tragedy. 


Firearm safety guidelines: 

  • Treat every firearm as if it’s loaded.
  • Always point your muzzle in a safe direction.
  • Be sure of your target and what’s beyond it.
  • Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.


“Our most common hunting-related accidents in Wyoming usually involve vehicles — either loading firearms in or out of the vehicle or accidentally bumping the trigger. The second most common incident involves obstacle crossings,” said Wyoming Game and Fish Department Hunter Education Coordinator Katie Simpson. “While it’s legal to drive with a loaded firearm in Wyoming, it’s safer to keep the chamber empty.” 


One notable incident near Cheyenne highlights the importance of knowing your target. 

A hunter was pursuing antelope and took a shot at one atop a ridgeline. The bullet missed but traveled about a mile past its target and hit a car driving along Interstate 80, shattering its window but fortunately causing no injuries. 


There are some times when big game archery and rifle hunters may be in the field at the same time. People hunting big or trophy game animals during an open regular season are legally required to wear fluorescent orange or pink in the field, regardless of the weapon they are hunting with. Archers are not required to wear those colors while hunting during a special archery season or archery-only season. 


Additional safety tips: 

  • Always tell someone where you’re going and when you plan to return.
  • Bring more equipment than you think you’ll need, including more layers of clothing, food and water.
  • Be aware of hypothermia and its symptoms. Simpson said exposure to hypothermia usually occurs to unprepared hunters when the ambient temperature is 40 to 60 degrees.
  • If you get lost, stay put — whether on foot or vehicle. This is especially true if you’ve told someone where you’re at.


Fire safety awareness:

With dry conditions prevalent across the state, it’s crucial for hunters to adhere to fire safety practices and be aware of any fire restrictions or closures in your hunt area. Conditions can change rapidly. Always check local regulations before heading into the field. When fires are permitted, hunters are encouraged to take extreme care and ensure they are completely out before going to bed, leaving for the day or packing out.


Hunters are critical informers in the field for the Game and Fish.


Report any poaching or wildlife violations to any of the following:

Breanna Ball
Public Information Officer

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