Prescribed burn planned for Yellowtail Wildlife Management Area
A prescribed burn on Yellowtail WHMA

CODY- The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is planning a prescribed fire on Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Management Area to benefit migrating waterfowl in the coming weeks. 


Game and Fish will work cooperatively with the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service. Crews plan to target approximately 100 acres around Ponds 1-4 on Yellowtail north of the Shoshone River. 


The project will only proceed if weather conditions meet specific safety requirements, and is subject to cancellation on short notice. Smoke from the area of operations \will be visible from surrounding areas, including the town of Lovell.


Prescribed fire, in addition to the seasonal drying out of wetland complexes, is part of an ongoing cattail management program that aims to increase wetland productivity and health for the benefit of migrating waterfowl. Yellowtail is an important stop-over point for waterfowl during spring and fall migration and also provides habitat for nesting and brood rearing.


Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Management Area is located approximately six miles east of Lovell and comprises 19,288 acres. Through a cooperative agreement between the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, National Park Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, this area was established in the early 1960s for the primary purpose of enhancing waterfowl habitat.



Eric Shorma

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