Permission slips available for white-tailed deer hunting on the National Elk Refuge

JACKSON – The Wyoming Game and Fish Department would like to remind hunters of the opportunity to hunt white-tailed deer on the National Elk Refuge this fall. The firearm and archery season is open now through Nov. 27.


Hunters holding a Type 3 or Type 8 white-tailed deer hunting license for the combined hunt area of 148, 150, 151, 152, 155 and 156 can hunt on the National Elk Refuge with a permission slip. Permission slips are unlimited, and hunters can obtain one at any time during the season through the Game and Fish website


"White-tailed deer numbers and range have been increasing in Teton County in recent years. White-tailed deer can compete with mule deer for limited habitat and can harbor chronic wasting disease, which threatens mule deer and elk populations,” said Aly Courtemanch, Jackson wildlife biologist. “We are pleased to partner with the National Elk Refuge to offer hunting opportunities in this area to help keep white-tailed deer numbers in check.” 


Hunters should consult the National Elk Refuge white-tailed deer hunt map, which specifies areas open to hunting. Hunters should also read the "ranch rules" that come with their permission slip. Rules specific to hunting on the National Elk Refuge include:


  • Hunters are required to wear two fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink garments that are visible from 360 degrees and shall include a hat and a jacket, vest, sweater or shirt. 
  • White-tailed deer hunters are limited to possessing no more than 7 cartridges per license. 
  • White-tailed deer hunters are allowed one assistant for hunting and retrieving and must ensure that the assistant is compliant with all Refuge regulations. Assistants must stay within 50 yards of the permitted hunter, unless retrieving.


In addition, white-tailed deer hunters are required to participate in a chronic wasting disease sampling program. Harvested deer can be sampled by field personnel or by depositing the animal’s head in a barrel at the following locations (hunt area parking spots):


  • Miller House
  • West Lot
  • McBride
  • East Lot
  • Hwy 89


Those with questions may call the Wyoming Game and Fish Jackson Office at 307-733-2321.

Raegin Akhtar
Public Information and Education Specialist

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