Game and Fish urges residents to secure attractants as bear activity increases

JACKSON – Recent increased bear activity in residential areas around Teton County is a good reminder for residents to be bear aware. To reduce the risk of problems with bears on or near your property, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department urges residents to secure all attractants and to review the town and county bear attractant regulations.


Bears that associate people and places people live with easy food rewards can become dangerous. Please consider the following recommendations to minimize human-bear conflicts:


  1. Secure attractants: Store all food, garbage, livestock feed, pet food and other potential bear attractants in bear-proof containers or inside a secure building.
  2. Protect your pets, livestock, and gardens: Confine domestic animals in a hard-sided building at night with a securely latched door. Do not feed cats or dogs outdoors. Consider constructing an electric fence around vegetable gardens, compost piles, beehives, fruit trees, domestic flocks, and other attractants you want to protect from bears. Residents in need of electric fencing materials or assistance setting up an electric fence can contact the Game and Fish Jackson Regional office. 


Bear conflicts should be reported to Game and Fish as soon as possible by calling the Jackson Regional office at 307-733-2321 or the Stop Poaching Hotline at 1-877-WGFD-TIP (943-3857).


Further information on bear safety and tips to reduce conflict can be found on the Game and Fish Bear Wise Wyoming web page

Raegin Akhtar
Public Information and Education Specialist

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