New “Get Outside!” podcast explores fishing opportunities in Laramie
Get Outside Podcast

CHEYENNE — The latest episode of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s podcast “Get Outside!” explores the numerous fishing opportunities in the Laramie Region with Bobby Compton, Game and Fish Fisheries Supervisor in the Laramie Region. The podcast takes a deep dive into the plethora of fish species anglers can catch in high-elevation alpine lakes, rivers and creeks, to more accessible ponds located in towns. 


Listeners can hear Episode 18: “Fishing in the Laramie Region,” on Spotify, iTunes and most other podcast platforms. Subscribe to never miss an episode.


“Get Outside!” is a podcast hosted by Game and Fish Videographer Ray Hageman where the department discusses current topics and issues regarding Wyoming’s wildlife so hunters, anglers and others who appreciate the outdoors can get insight into what makes Wyoming wildlife so special. Additional topics covered by “Get Outside!” include raising cool and warm-water fish, mule deer hunting in the Greys River area in western Wyoming and chronic wasting disease.

Breanna Ball
Public Information Officer

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