Mar. 31 Evanston Flaming Gorge update meeting
Join fisheries managers from the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources for an informational meeting about Flaming Gorge Reservoir.
Anglers and other community members interested in the status of the Flaming Gorge fishery are encouraged to attend the meeting. Biologists from both state agencies will share the last year’s data on the latest population trends, results from recently conducted research, and ongoing management work related to the wide array of fish found in the reservoir.
The event will include a 30-minute presentation about the fishery, followed by a question-and-answer session for attendees.
For more information about the meeting and the Flaming Gorge fishery, call the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Northeastern Region Office at 435-781-9453 or the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Green River regional office at 307-875-3225, extension 8617