CODY-The Wyoming Game and Fish Department would like to make sportspersons and recreationists aware of sizable increases in water flows in the Shoshone River below Buffalo Bill Dam April 8-11 as part of a flushing flow project.
The Bureau of Reclamation has scheduled this flushing flow at the request of Game and Fish and in coordination with Willwood Workgroup Two. Willwood Irrigation District, in coordination with Willwood Workgroup Two, is planning a controlled elevated release of sediment from Willwood Dam April 9.
The purpose of the increased flows from Buffalo Bill Dam is to help protect the fishery by transporting the sediment released from behind Willwood Dam downstream. This increased flow is expected to improve conditions throughout the Shoshone River. The sediment release and increased flow are being coordinated to minimize impacts to irrigators, recreationists and aquatic life in the Shoshone River.
On April 8, flows will be increased to 700 cubic feet per second (cfs) to facilitate sediment release from Willwood Dam. On the morning of April 9, a high intensity, short duration release of sediment will occur. Concurrently, releases from Buffalo Bill Reservoir will be stepped up to 5,000 cfs by 2 p.m. and reduced to 4,000 cfs at 4 p.m. and held at that level overnight. At 8 a.m. Wednesday, April 10, releases from Buffalo Bill Dam will be decreased to 3,500 cfs until the afternoon of Thursday April 11, when flows will be gradually decreased to 1,000 cfs.
Game and Fish advises the public to be aware of the potential dangers related to flushing flows. Sportspersons wading or floating the river during this time should consider the fluctuating water levels. Areas that could be waded effectively prior to increases in flows may not be accessible at higher flows.