Golden trout spawning
The Story Hatchery will be spawning golden trout on Wednesdays throughout the month of June and the public is welcome to view the spawning operation between 9 and 11 a.m. at the hatchery.
Story Hatchery is the only facility in the nation with a captive population of adult golden trout for egg production. They have complex water temperature requirements that make egg collection from wild stocks difficult and they are very hard to rear in hatcheries. Luckily, Story has proven to be a good fit for these fish.
Golden trout females produce 300 to 700 eggs each year and the approximately 250,000 eggs collected each year are primarily used for fish stocking in Wyoming’s high mountain lakes. This year some eggs will also be shipped to Colorado, Idaho, Washington, and California.

Story Hatchery is the only facility in the nation with a captive population of adult golden trout for egg production. They have complex water temperature requirements that make egg collection from wild stocks difficult and they are very hard to rear in hatcheries. Luckily, Story has proven to be a good fit for these fish.
Golden trout females produce 300 to 700 eggs each year and the approximately 250,000 eggs collected each year are primarily used for fish stocking in Wyoming’s high mountain lakes. This year some eggs will also be shipped to Colorado, Idaho, Washington, and California.