Big Rainbows Stocked in Half Moon and CCC Ponds
Fish culturists at the Boulder Hatchery south of Pinedale recently completed the annual spawning operation for their fall-spawning rainbow trout. Rainbow trout are typically a spring spawner, like many fish species, but these fish have been manipulated over time to spawn later in the year. This allows fish managers to have fish that mature later giving more options for stocking fish at different times of year. Fish culturist can also manipulate how fast fish grow based on water temperatures and other factors.
This year, thanks to some good-sized female fish, over three million eggs were collected which is at the upper end of what is typically gathered. The eggs were then shipped to the Tensleep and Dubois hatcheries to be reared and will likely be stocked into Wyoming waters late next summer as catchable-sized fish, approximately 8-9 inches long.

Pinedale Fisheries Technician Erik Waring stocked 75 hefty rainbow trout into the CCC Ponds near Pinedale recently.
Each year the hatchery will retire their five year-old female rainbows as egg quality tends to diminish after that age. While these big, mature females may not be as good for egg production, they're still good at providing anglers a good tussle and an evening meal. This year 420 of these hefty rainbows were stocked into Half Moon Lake and another 75 were dropped into the CCC Ponds near Pinedale. The Boulder Hatchery also stocks rainbows into Boyd Skinner Park in Pinedale each summer. Ice anglers are encouraged to get out there and try their luck!
This year, thanks to some good-sized female fish, over three million eggs were collected which is at the upper end of what is typically gathered. The eggs were then shipped to the Tensleep and Dubois hatcheries to be reared and will likely be stocked into Wyoming waters late next summer as catchable-sized fish, approximately 8-9 inches long.
Pinedale Fisheries Technician Erik Waring stocked 75 hefty rainbow trout into the CCC Ponds near Pinedale recently.
Each year the hatchery will retire their five year-old female rainbows as egg quality tends to diminish after that age. While these big, mature females may not be as good for egg production, they're still good at providing anglers a good tussle and an evening meal. This year 420 of these hefty rainbows were stocked into Half Moon Lake and another 75 were dropped into the CCC Ponds near Pinedale. The Boulder Hatchery also stocks rainbows into Boyd Skinner Park in Pinedale each summer. Ice anglers are encouraged to get out there and try their luck!
Mark Gocke, Public Information Specialist, 307-733-2321