Youth help reclaim a mine site with sagebrush seedlings.
Sixth, seventh and eigth-grade science fair students from Lander Middle School along with Bureau of Land Management,Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Department of Environmental Quality, Weed and Pest, and other organizations to work on planting sagebrush seedlings as a part of the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Project in the Gas Hills outside of Riverton.
To begin their field study the students watched the abandoned uranium mine be reclaimed and learned about the 28-year process from the DEX Engineer responsible for the reclamation. The students were amazed at the size of the pit and all the trucks.
The students then moved to the sagebrush planting area and began working along-side scientists from local and state agencies. Students had the opportunity to learn about each person's job and possibly consider learning more about jobs related to the project.
Students planted 1,500 seedlings over the two days this year. The project began in 1997 and will be completed in 2025.

To begin their field study the students watched the abandoned uranium mine be reclaimed and learned about the 28-year process from the DEX Engineer responsible for the reclamation. The students were amazed at the size of the pit and all the trucks.
The students then moved to the sagebrush planting area and began working along-side scientists from local and state agencies. Students had the opportunity to learn about each person's job and possibly consider learning more about jobs related to the project.
Students planted 1,500 seedlings over the two days this year. The project began in 1997 and will be completed in 2025.