McIntosh No. 2 and Jensen fisheries this year
Earlier this month, Wyoming Game and Fish Department netted McIntosh No. 2 Pond and Jensen Reservoir on Green Mountain. The survey showed that McIntosh No. 2 Pond (formerly known as Western Nuclear Pond) is still maintaining an excellent sport fishery. High numbers of 13 to 16-inch brook trout (some close to 2 pounds) were observed during the survey. Rainbow trout up to 15 inches and 1.5 pounds were also captured. McIntosh No. 2 Reservoir also provides good largemouth bass fishing, with fish over 15 inches and almost 2.5 pounds captured in previous years.
Largemouth bass are not easily captured in the gill nets biologist used to capture the trout. Electrofishing will be used to evaluate the largemouth bass population in June or July to obtain updated information. Recent habitat improvements by the State of Wyoming Abandoned Mine Land Program have greatly contributed to the McIntosh No. 2 Pond fishery. Modifications to the dam have prevented leaks and allowed for greater water retention. Large rock piles were also put in the reservoir for fish habitat, and a parking area was constructed for anglers.
Unfortunately, the news was not good for Jensen Reservoir, as no fish were captured in the nets. The absence of fish indicates that the reservoir winterkilled. Winterkill occurs when dissolved oxygen levels become too low, causing fish to suffocate. Jensen Reservoir is managed by stocking 500 fingerling brook trout (3 to 5 inches) and 500 catchable rainbow trout (8 – 10 inches) annually. It will likely be spring 2020, when 2019-stocked brook trout and rainbow trout grow to larger sizes, before Jensen Reservoir again provides quality sport fishing.
McIntosh No. 2 Pond and Jensen Reservoir are located at the southwest base of Green Mountain, and can be accessed by taking the Big Eagle Road turnoff from Crooks Gap Road. The MacIntosh No. 2 Pond access road is approximately 2 miles past the Big Eagle Road turnoff, and the Jensen Reservoir access road is approximately 5 miles past the Big Eagle Road turnoff (3 miles past the MacIntosh No. 2 Pond access road).

Largemouth bass are not easily captured in the gill nets biologist used to capture the trout. Electrofishing will be used to evaluate the largemouth bass population in June or July to obtain updated information. Recent habitat improvements by the State of Wyoming Abandoned Mine Land Program have greatly contributed to the McIntosh No. 2 Pond fishery. Modifications to the dam have prevented leaks and allowed for greater water retention. Large rock piles were also put in the reservoir for fish habitat, and a parking area was constructed for anglers.
Unfortunately, the news was not good for Jensen Reservoir, as no fish were captured in the nets. The absence of fish indicates that the reservoir winterkilled. Winterkill occurs when dissolved oxygen levels become too low, causing fish to suffocate. Jensen Reservoir is managed by stocking 500 fingerling brook trout (3 to 5 inches) and 500 catchable rainbow trout (8 – 10 inches) annually. It will likely be spring 2020, when 2019-stocked brook trout and rainbow trout grow to larger sizes, before Jensen Reservoir again provides quality sport fishing.
McIntosh No. 2 Pond and Jensen Reservoir are located at the southwest base of Green Mountain, and can be accessed by taking the Big Eagle Road turnoff from Crooks Gap Road. The MacIntosh No. 2 Pond access road is approximately 2 miles past the Big Eagle Road turnoff, and the Jensen Reservoir access road is approximately 5 miles past the Big Eagle Road turnoff (3 miles past the MacIntosh No. 2 Pond access road).