Habitat biologist named 2021 outstanding partner by Weed and Pest
Weed and Pest announced in their press release this week that Amy Anderson, a Habitat Biologist for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, was recognized as Fremont County Weed and Pest Control District’s Outstanding Partner for progressing local invasive weed management at the District’s annual appreciation meeting on Saturday, January 22, 2022, in Riverton.

“Amy’s love for wildlife and passion for keeping habitat intact for future generations makes her exceptionally gifted at developing creative projects and finding additional funding sources to manage invasive plants,” says Aaron Foster, District Supervisor. “Without Amy, controlling over 2000 acres of cheatgrass impacted habitat in the Duncan Bench, Torrey Rim, Red Canyon, and Sinks Canyon areas would have not likely happened.” Amy is a leader within the Popo Agie Weed Management Association and helped the association implement cooperative spray days for weed management at Luckey Pond and coordinate the Squaw Creek Russian olive removal project. 

“She is always ready to put her best efforts toward our shared cause of managing the impacts of invasive species. Her energy pushes the District, as well as others, forward,” Foster says.

Contact: Aaron Foster 
District Supervisor

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