G&F Protects Horse Creek With Drill Pipe Fence
Wyoming Game and Fish personnel and several volunteers recently constructed a riparian fence exclosure on a section of Horse Creek south of Jackson. The fence was installed at the Game and Fish's Horse Creek Wildlife Habitat Managment Area and elk feedground with a goal of protecting young cottonwoods, willows and other woody vegetation from being over-browsed by elk during the winter months. Over time, the increased woody vegetation will protect eroding banks along the creek and improve fish habitat, as well as provide important habitat for songbirds and other wildlife. This project is just one of many where the Game and Fish is utilizing old drill pipe from energy companies to install wildlife-friendly fence rather than traditional barbed-wire fencing that can often entangle wildlife. Help in constructing the new fence came from Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and the Bridger Teton National Forest.

Young willows along Horse Creek that will flourish under protection from browsing elk.

Young willows along Horse Creek that will flourish under protection from browsing elk.
Mark Gocke, Public Information Specialist, 307-249-5811