Green River Region 2020 Hunting Forecast 
Green River Region 2020 Hunting Forecast  
In general, hunters will find ample opportunity and numbers of antelope. Hunter success is expected to remain high, which is common for this species. Pronghorn numbers increased a modest amount last year, despite the harsher-than- normal winter.  

“The 2020 summer started out mild with good moisture, but since then has dried significantly,” said Mark Zornes, Green River region wildlife management coordinator. “Wetter, upper elevation habitats for the species remain in very good condition and these areas have seen  significant reproduction while the lower altitude sagebrush habitats are experiencing drought conditions and hunters will observe fewer fawns.”

Mule deer have done very well this year.  “Fawn production is up and deer numbers are beginning to increase again following four years of severe winters and higher-than-normal winter mortality. Hunters will notice a few missing age classes of bucks that were lost during those years, but numbers of younger-aged males are on the upswing,” Zornes said.

Deer hunting will be better in the higher elevation hunt areas in the Wyoming Range (especially hunt areas 134 and 135), and in the Baggs area in hunt area 82. Hunting in the remainder of the region, older-aged males throughout the rest of the region will be harder to find due to winter losses, but some great bucks remain in all these hunt areas. 

Elk hunting will remain very good in nearly the entire region, including the special management herds (Steamboat Area 100 and South Rock Springs hunt areas 30-32). 

“Antler growth looks good for this year and hunters are expected to harvest some nice bulls, including areas that are under general management,” Zornes said.

Cow hunting opportunities remain liberal throughout much of the region given populations are above management objectives. Managers are expecting average to above-average elk harvest this fall, depending on weather conditions and hunter effort.

Both small and upland game opportunities are significant in southwestern Wyoming and populations of both appear to be on the upswing.  

“Noticeably more cottontails are on the landscape today when compared to the last few years.  Upland game bird broods observed this summer have been numerous and large with good chick survival,” Zornes said. 

Sage grouse broods observed in much of the region, especially the western portion, have been exceptionally large, even this late in the summer.  

“We expect to see significantly higher chicks per hen in wing barrels this fall,” Zornes said.

Hunters are reminded to be careful with campfires and vehicle exhaust this year as fire danger is currently high in much of the region, including the higher elevations. 

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