Warm water temperatures affecting trout in Casper's Yesness Pond

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department reports high water temperatures at Yesness Pond in Casper, resulting in some trout mortality. However, other fish in Yesness, such as green sunfish and channel catfish, are not bothered by the warm water temperatures.

On Monday, July 26, the morning water temperature was 75 degrees, which is near the lethal temperature for trout.  With the weather forecasted to be in the 90’s through mid-week, trout will likely continue to be stressed, and additional mortality may occur.

“We had several members of the public report dead trout in Yesness, and we appreciate these reports. Unfortunately, it may get worse before it gets better,” said Matt Hahn, Casper Region fisheries supervisor.  “In fact, given the warm temperatures, it is likely people will see stressed trout in other low elevation and small waters around the region.”

Places like Bryan Stock Trail Pond (Lake MacKenzie), the 33-Mile Ponds, and many small streams such as Deer Creek, Boxelder Creek, and LaPrele Creek with current low water flows may also see signs of stressed trout, as well.

Anglers are reminded to:

  • fish early in the morning while the water temperature is cooler.
  • carry a pocket thermometer and monitor the water temperature.
  • if the water temperature is at or above 70 degrees, consider keeping what you catch within the regulations.
  • as water temperature increases, using the proper techniques to catch and release a fish becomes increasingly more important to help ensure the fish has a chance to survive:
  • play and land fish as rapidly as possible to reduce exhaustion stress.
  • keep the fish in the water as much as possible.
  • do not squeeze the fish or place fingers in the gills.
  • remove the hook gently. If hooked deeply, cut the leader.
  • flies and lures are recommended whenever many fish are being caught and released
  • barbless hooks allow easier hook removal.
  • if a fish is exhausted and cannot hold itself upright, and if regulations allow, consider having it for supper because it has a poor chance of surviving

The Game and Fish in Casper is aware of these situations across the area and the public no longer needs to report sightings of stressed fish.

Janet Milek 307-258-7602

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