Below are specific Big and Trophy Game species commonly found within this WHMA area.
Antelope - 78/79/80
Deer - 52/122/123
Elk - 40/54
Moose - 42
Mountain Lion - 20/21
Black Bear - 1/32
Fish Species in this Area
Below are specific Fish species commonly found within this WHMA area.
Black Bullhead
Brown Trout
Channel Catfish
Green Sunfish
Largemouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Shovelnose Sturgeon
Smallmouth Bass
White Crappie
Yellow Perch
Small game and Birds in this Area
Below are specific Small game species commonly found within this WHMA area.
Sage Grouse
Sandhill Crane
Sharp tailed Grouse
Mountain Grouse
Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Management Area is six miles east of Lovell and comprises 19,214 acres. Through a cooperative agreement between the Wyoming Game & Fish Commission, National Park Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and U.S. Bureau of Land Management, this area was established in the early 1960s to enhance waterfowl habitat.
The plant communities are comprised mostly of riparian (river bottom) and wetlands, with some sagebrush grasslands. About 925 acres are farmed, under lease contracts, in which cereal grains for wildlife are planted on more than half the cropland. Yellowtail has perhaps one of the largest cottonwood riparian systems in Wyoming and supports one of the richest concentrations of wildlife species in the state.
Yellowtail is probably most recognized for pheasant hunting. Good numbers of white-tailed deer, mule deer, ducks, geese, cottontail rabbits, wild turkeys and mourning doves provide additional hunting opportunities. Hunters should check regulations for season dates.
More than 160 species of birds can be observed. The best place to see waterfowl and shore birds are the marshy areas south of U.S. Highway 14A. Great blue herons and white pelicans are commonly seen during the summer. Red-tailed hawks and an occasional trumpeter swan might also be seen.
The Yellowtail area is open all year and provides many forms of outdoor recreation. More than 35 miles of roads and many trails provide access for whatever you want to do. Fishing in Big Horn Lake might yield a walleye, trout, catfish, black crappie or perch.
Spring is probably the best time to observe wildlife. Birds are engaged in their breeding displays and insects are not yet meddlesome.