Talk with biologists about Game and Fish’s plan for conserving Wyoming’s species of greatest conservation need
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will be hosting a Facebook Live event for individuals who are interested in learning more about the State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). Those with questions or who want to hear more about the plan from Game and Fish biologists can tune in on Wednesday, May 3 at 12 noon on the Game and Fish Facebook page. Like the page to receive a Facebook notification when the event begins. To submit a question before the event e-mail You do not need to be a Facebook user to watch the video.

The SWAP can be viewed and comments provided on Game Fish’s website at Comments will be accepted through May 22, 2017.

SWAPs are produced as part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s State Wildlife Grant program. This program provides Game and Fish with around $550,000 annually which has been used to increase understanding of many of the state’s nongame species and develop associated conservation strategies. Individual species identified within the SWAP, which are used to develop conservation strategies are called Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and are designated by evaluating trends in population numbers and potential threats. Some additional SGCN in Wyoming include: saugers, shovelnose sturgeon, wood frogs, pallid bats, black-rosy finch, northern flying squirrels and swift fox.
Wyoming Game and Fish (307) 777-4600

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