New “Get Outside!” podcast episode forecasts the 2022 hunting season
This month the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s podcast “Get Outside!” looks into the 2022 fall hunting season. Licenses for deer and antelope have been reduced in some areas of the state, but elk hunters statewide should have good opportunities as populations continue to flourish. Listen to 'Get Outside' — the Game and Fish podcast — with Ray Hageman to learn more about this year’s fall forecast.
Listeners can hear Episode 10: 2022 Hunt Season Outlook on Spotify, iTunes and most other podcast platforms. Subscribe through your favorite way to listen to podcasts to never miss an episode.
“Get Outside!” is a monthly podcast where the department discusses current topics and issues regarding Wyoming’s wildlife so hunters, anglers and others who appreciate the outdoors can get insight into what make’s Wyoming wildlife so special. Additional topics covered by “Get Outside!” include raising cool- and warm-water fish, work with native fish, mule deer research and chronic wasting disease.
Listeners can hear Episode 10: 2022 Hunt Season Outlook on Spotify, iTunes and most other podcast platforms. Subscribe through your favorite way to listen to podcasts to never miss an episode.
“Get Outside!” is a monthly podcast where the department discusses current topics and issues regarding Wyoming’s wildlife so hunters, anglers and others who appreciate the outdoors can get insight into what make’s Wyoming wildlife so special. Additional topics covered by “Get Outside!” include raising cool- and warm-water fish, work with native fish, mule deer research and chronic wasting disease.
Sara DiRienzo, Public Information Officer - (