The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s next meeting is Jan. 24 in Cheyenne. The meeting will be held at the Cheyenne Headquarters office, 5400 Bishop Blvd. The public is invited to attend and provide input on important topics.
The Commission will be asked to vote on the continuation of sage grouse translocations to North Dakota, eligible department volunteer projects for 2019 and several damage claim appeals. The Commission will also hear informational presentations and updates on possible regulatory action for new technologies for hunting equipment and a look back on the 2018 hunting season.
In-person public comment opportunities are available during each specific agenda item and on any matter the public can speak to the Commission at the end of the day; an agenda can be found on the Commission webpage. The meeting will be live-streamed on the internet. Learn more and watch here.
Game and Fish is also hosting a public open house with commissioners and department staff beginning at 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 24 at the Game and Fish Department Headquarters. Refreshments will be served and youth are encouraged to attend as there will be lifetime licenses raffled for youth that meet residency requirements and are at least ten years of age. The lifetime licenses are provided by Pine Bluffs High Plains Chapter of Pheasants Forever.
The State of Wyoming supports the Americans with Disabilities Act. Anyone needing auxiliary aids should contact the Game and Fish at (307) 777-4501. Every effort will be made for reasonable accommodations.