2nd Annual Mule Deer Summit to be held Aug. 7-8 in Lander
The event is hosted by the Coalition for Wyoming Mule Deer, a group of seven Non Government Organizations (NGOs) interested in addressing the problems and challenges that are currently facing mule deer in Wyoming. This free event is open to the public.
The agenda will include collaborative efforts with the Wyoming Game and Fish Mule Deer Initiative to include updates on the Mule Deer Initiative, regional working group reports and the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission’s recent commitment to fund mule deer projects in Wyoming. At its most recent meeting, the Commission approved a funding package to be used exclusively for mule deer research and habitat work over the next five years.
In addition to updates on working group activities and Wyoming’s mule deer herds, presentations will be made on the Upper Green River Migration Project, sportsmen’s involvement for mule deer working groups, priorities for mule deer management and the mule deer action plan for 2015-2016.
The Red Canyon Ranch is located 13 miles south of Lander. Take Highway 28 for 10 miles south of Lander to the Red Canyon Road then turn right and follow the road for 3.5 miles to ranch headquarters.
For more information contact Steve Belinda with the Mule Deer Foundation at 307-231-3128
Steve Belinda (307) 231-3128

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