Multiple landowners are partners in Belle Butte Grazing, which consists of private and otherwise inaccessible public lands enrolled in Game and Fish’s Access Yes program and is known as the Bear River Divide Hunter Management Area.
This HMA is the largest and most utilized in the state, and averages about 1,500 deer hunters a year. In the fall of 2020 more than 2,500 permission slips were issued to hunters for a variety of species. Mule deer, elk, pronghorn, moose, mountain lion, sage grouse, waterfowl, small game and several nongame species are found on the properties. Thousands of mule deer migrate onto Belle Butte and adjoining BLM land from the Wyoming Range. Belle Butte has supported Game and Fish’s antler hunting regulations in the area and its Wyoming Range Mule Deer Project .
Cattle on Belle Butte are sustainable grazed, and a full-time employee monitors water to spread grazing pressure evenly and prevent stream bank erosion on public and private lands.