From the boundary between Sections 17 and 20 down to the confluence with Gilbert Creek.
Go about 6 1/2 miles south from Mountain View on highway 410 to where this road turns 90 degrees due West. Take the gravel road that goes straight on south at the bend toward the Uinta National Forest. This good gravel road forks in about 7 1/2 miles but stay to the right. Continue on past Graham Reservoir (on your right, but it may be dry). This road crosses the Eask Fork Smiths Fork in another two miles. About a quarter mile past the bridge, the road crosses Gilbert Creek at the forest boundary. Another 100 yards or so up the road there's a trail that forks off and parallels Gilbert Creek (south). Little Gilbert Creek enters Gilbert Creek about a mile south of the turnoff. The instream flow segment extends from this confluence upstream for 1.7 miles.