The Wyoming Game and Fish stocks high alpine lakes three ways: helicopter, horseback or backpack. We primarily stock by utilizing a helicopter. This is the process:
Watch a video of the process:
- Fish are transferred from hatchery trucks to a fabricated cylinder tank, which is attached to the helicopter by a cable.
- The tank has eight individual cylinders that hold approximately 3-5 gallons of water and up to 20 pounds of fish per cylinder. Fish can range from 1 to 6 inches in length, but the average is 3 inches. Each cylinder may contain different species or sizes of fish depending on the lake to be stocked.
- Oxygen is added to each cylinder to help reduce stress and ice is added to reduce the metabolic rate of the fish.
- Each cylinder has a door that opens at the bottom to release the fish as the helicopter maneuvers over the lake. The pilot has a control switch that can trigger several or each tank for precise stocking.
- To be sure the right lake is stocked, Game and Fish gives the pilot the lake’s GPS coordinates along with an aerial image.
Watch a video of the process:
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Answered By
Kris Holmes
Job Title
Fish Spawning Crew
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