The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact is a reciprocal agreement between states to honor suspensions of hunting, fishing and trapping privileges for convicted wildlife violators. Individuals who are suspended in one member state may have their privileges to hunt, fish, trap or purchase any licenses suspended in the other member states. The compact serves as an additional deterrent to violating wildlife laws and strengthens the consequences of illegal hunting, fishing and trapping activities.

The compact began as an agreement between five states in 1991, and Wyoming joined in 1996.  Since then, the compact has grown to include 45 member states, with three more states in the process of joining.

The compact also allows nonresident wildlife violators from member states to be cited and released, just as Wyoming resident violators. Nonresident violators who fail to appear in court or  fail to pay their fines are suspended through the compact until they meet their court obligations.  Violators from non-member compact states must post a cash bond in the field or be arrested and booked into jail until bond can be secured. This is a time consuming process for game wardens, so the compact makes the process of handling violations more efficient for wardens and nonresident violators.
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Answered By
Aaron Kerr
Job Title
Law Enforcement Coordinator
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