293 results found

Game and Fish finds CWD in new deer hunt area near Osage

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department confirmed chronic wasting disease (CWD) in a doe mule deer in hunt area 7. 


Game and Fish lab tests nearly 7,000 CWD samples in 2021

CWD submission raffle winners announced


New regulation to help measure effectiveness of future CWD management

Game and Fish considering options as the wildlife disease continues to impact deer


Deadline Friday for applications to Wyoming CWD working group

Game and Fish seeks wide representation to develop recommendations


Game and Fish finds CWD in new deer hunt area near Heart Mountain

​The Wyoming Game and Fish Department confirmed chronic wasting disease (CWD) in Deer Hunt Area 121.


Wyoming joins other states to research how much hunters help control CWD

This year Wyoming and several other states and a Canadian province joined together to start a chronic wasting disease research project that could show if hunting helps control CWD. 


Hunters: Win great prizes when you submit a CWD sample

Game and Fish continues to study the disease


CWD collaborative working group take first steps on recommendations

Members of the chronic wasting disease collaborative working group recently gathered for their first meeting in Lander.


Hunters: Win great prizes when you submit a CWD sample

Game and Fish continues to study the disease 


CWD sampling efforts to focus on deer and elk harvested in specific hunt areas

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department needs help from hunters this fall to collect samples from mule deer and elk for chronic wasting disease (CWD) testing in target hunt areas. For the 2020 hunting se


CWD Technician brings a lot of experience to the job

Steve Kyles does more than pull big game lymph nodes!


G&F Needs CWD Samples From Certain Deer & Elk Hunt Areas

Hunters: G&F needs lymph nodes from your deer &elk!
